Are you looking for a creative Product Description Writer?

Let me help you transform your e-commerce Store with professional and engaging Product Description Copywriting

You’ve done all the hard work on your products or services so don’t let your sales down with basic product descriptions. I’ll help you strengthen your e-commerce product writing so your customers will be confident in their purchase…and in your brand.

If your customers have made it as far as your product page, it shows that they have the intention to buy or at least find out more. This is where your product description copywriting needs to be strong.

Why do they need these products or services and how will they benefit from them? Your customers are ready to find out more about your products. Make sure your product descriptions don’t let you down.

Product Description Copywriting that will have your customers

*adding to cart*

When your customers can imagine themselves benefiting from your products or services, they’ll feel compelled to buy. Product description marketing is all part of the process.

We need to create an emotional connection to your products with creative product description writing.

woman with shopping bags
Customers are more likely to buy from a brand they trust.

How can SEO Product Description Writing boost my sales?

Search Engine Optimisation, commonly known as SEO, is a powerful way to advertise your business on Search Engines like Google and Bing – without having to pay for ads. Adding the right keywords to your product descriptions will increase your chances of appearing in search engine results. This will bring in extra traffic to your site and open up your products and services to a wider audience. As an SEO Product Description Writer, I’ll be able to source keywords for your products and add them to your copy. If you’re interested in comprehensive SEO keyword research including competitor research, send me an enquiry and I can give you a personalised quote for these services.

How much does Product Description Copywriting Cost?

Prices for Product description copywriting will fluctuate depending on the length of the copy and the amount that you require. As a guide, my prices start from $69 each but I do offer bulk discounts and copywriting packages if you are combining services. I am flexible to work with small business owners and can give you guidance and support to meet your budget and your timeframe.

Man and woman in shopping trolley
Invest in your brand and boost your sales.

Ready to update your Product Description Copywriting?

Let’s do this.